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Sensorialité : Interventions ciblant la sensorialité, une revue systématique
Posted by: root (IP Logged)
Date: September 12, 2017 07:52AM

Pediatrics. 2017 Jun;139(6). pii: e20170347. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-0347.

Interventions Targeting Sensory Challenges in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review.

Weitlauf AS1, Sathe N2, McPheeters ML2, Warren ZE3,4.
Author information
Sensory challenges are common among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of interventions targeting sensory challenges in ASD.
Databases, including Medline and PsycINFO.
Two investigators independently screened studies against predetermined criteria.
One investigator extracted data with review by a second. Investigators independently assessed risk of bias and strength of evidence (SOE), or confidence in the estimate of effects.
Twenty-four studies, including 20 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), were included. Only 3 studies had low risk of bias. Populations, interventions, and outcomes varied. Limited, short-term studies reported potential positive effects of several approaches in discrete skill domains. Specifically, sensory integration-based approaches improved sensory and motor skills-related measures (low SOE). Environmental enrichment improved nonverbal cognitive skills (low SOE). Studies of auditory integration-based approaches did not improve language (low SOE). Massage improved symptom severity and sensory challenges in studies with likely overlapping participants (low SOE). Music therapy studies evaluated different protocols and outcomes, precluding synthesis (insufficient SOE). Some positive effects were reported for other approaches, but findings were inconsistent (insufficient SOE).
Studies were small and short-term, and few fully categorized populations.
Some interventions may yield modest short-term (<6 months) improvements in sensory- and ASD symptom severity-related outcomes; the evidence base is small, and the durability of the effects is unclear. Although some therapies may hold promise, substantial needs exist for continuing improvements in methodologic rigor.

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